What to Eat and What to Avoid in a Keto Diet?

In the late 1930s, the keto diet gained recognition as a therapy for epileptic seizures. It was discovered epileptic seizures were triggered by the birth of a toxin in the intestine. To prevent such strokes, fasting was seen and witnessed as an effective solution. However, one can’t be abandoned without providing food. This is where the ketogenic diet was introduced, and the ketogenic diet fad began. Nowadays, it is one of the most popular and followed diets by people. While some people religiously practice the keto diet to lose excess weight, some follow it to achieve a healthy body and brain. It’s also being looked into as an anti-cancer treatment because cancer cells depend on carbohydrates, which the ketogenic diet excludes.

Although the keto diet is considered relatively straightforward, it still comprises some strict rules that you have to abide by. If you break the rules, you break the keto diet. The keto diet emphasizes the reduction of carbohydrates intakes significantly. This means people who are following the keto diet are restricted to eat certain foods too. Before we find out about keto-friendly and keto-unfriendly food, let’s first shed light on the keto diet basics.

What to Eat and What to Avoid in a Keto Diet
What to Eat and What to Avoid in a Keto Diet

What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is one of the many available diet plans followed by people who aim to achieve a healthy body and brain. This diet is more inclined towards consuming fats and cutting off carbohydrates from your diet.

When you begin a ketogenic diet, your body enters a metabolic condition known as ketosis, which means your body will use the energy provided by fat consumption to fuel your brain and other functions. Additionally, this diet raises ketones in the body, which reduces blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity.

The fundamental goal of the keto diet is to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. This implies you’ll be removing all sorts of carbohydrates from your diet, including sugar and others. This diet doesn’t only help you lose weight drastically, but it also plays a significant role in strengthening your body and helping you achieve an active brain.

The ketogenic diet is mainly preferred and practised by people because it doesn’t have too many restrictions. However, since it is an effective diet, it still has limitations that need to be taken care of. These limitations limit people from eating certain things that will go against their diet schedules. Let’s find out what are keto-friendly and keto unfriendly foods.

Keto-Friendly Foods- What to Eat in a Keto Diet?

As mentioned earlier, the keto diet is less restrictive compared to others. This means you have access to many foods of your choice but within the allowed limits. You are even allowed to eat processed food but are advised to check the facts label behind the wrapper to ensure there are significantly fewer or no carbohydrates in it.

Following are the keto-friendly foods you can eat while being on the keto diet.

  1. Cream, almond and coconut milk, cheddar/mozzarella cheese
  2. Eggs, chicken, fish and red meat.
  3. Nuts, almond butter, pistachios
  4. Green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, celery etc.
  5. Any berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries.

Note: One common confusion amongst people is whether to add grains to the ketogenic diet or not. To our knowledge and experience, ketogenic diets should be grain-free. We don’t prefer or allow grains in the low carb, high fat/ keto diet. However, this can or may vary from country to country.

Keto Unfriendly Foods- What to avoid in a Keto Diet?

Since the ketogenic diet strictly restricts you from consuming carbohydrates, there are many foods you may have to leave behind to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Here are some of the keto unfriendly foods that should be avoided during the body’s ketogenic state.

  1. Cereal, cornstarch, oats, rice, and pasta contain excessive carbohydrates, which is a keto-killer.
  2. Bread, toast and wheat flour.
  3. Desserts, sugar biscuits, candies and all sorts of snacks with high carbohydrate levels.
  4. Alcoholic drinks.
  5. Milk, chocolate milk or any flavoured milk.
  6. Lentils, chickpeas, soy and beans.

The Bottom Line

The rule of life is simple. To achieve something, it is essential to leave something too. In other words, everything that exists in this world has an opportunity cost. So does achieving a healthy and fit body. To look and be well, one has to let go of most of the delicious dishes on the table. However, you can enjoy mouthwatering foods with the keto diet while not being concerned about your diet. The keto diet is easy, simple and effective. The phenomenon of the keto diet isn’t to restrict you from eating foods but to limit you, so you consume them in the right amount and stay healthy!